Fabio Secci surfing into the ISA Worlds

Fabio Secci surfing into the ISA Worlds

The #Superhumans. A British TV slogan that turned the #Paralympics into mainstream. An adjective that perfectly describes @seccifabio as well.

Born in Italy with a 17cm limb reduction in his left leg, Fabio quickly became a fanatic sportsman and recently turned his energy to #boardsports: #wakeboarding, skateboarding and of course #surfing.

Overcoming the technical challenges of surfing with a #prosthetic leg, finding a different way to pop up or bottom turn are not what Fabio believes are the main hurdles: 'the most important is the right mindset. #adaptive for me means understanding I am my own, my unique limit. It's about determination, motivation, never giving up, learning about myself and helping others start thinking the same way'. With only 6 months wakeboarding behind him, Fabio has already secured sponsorships to organise regular adaptive #wakeboarding events; and just after a year's surfing, he is training harder than ever as he hopes to join the Italian @isasurfing team. The Paralympics? 'It depends if Italy is going to have an adaptive team… We are working on it!'. Who said impossible? 📷 @kiwiscr #freesurfspirit

Fabio on a roll

Fabio on a roll

Chief Storyteller at Swellbound