Surfing in Iran

'When you are in the #ocean you can feel the power of something stronger than you, and when you get your first #wave, it feels like you can do anything'. Setareh, aka @starma_, #iranian #surfer from Teheran.

Because whatever our nationality, creed or gender, we all share the same momentous #stoke when we ride. Because #surfing is more universal than surf brands sometimes lead you to think. Because we are all under the power of that 'something stronger', our differences become drops in the ocean. #morelove #morestoke #sharethestoke #swellbound. 📷 @gopro @starma_. Special 🙏😘 to @easkeysurf for sharing your experience at @bournemouthuni, shout out to @boardersofhope and @wesurfiniran 🙌!

Setareh in the surf

Setareh in the surf

Chief Storyteller at Swellbound