Calling for the end of SUP!

#Paddleboarders are not the only ones to hate #SingleUsePlastic!

All #watersports lovers, #ocean dwellers, #sandinyourtoes addicts, #saltyhairdontcare mermaids, #wave chasers want to continue enjoying the #environment that brings them so much #stoke!

On #WorldOceansDay, #Swellbound and #surfers of all kinds commit to ditching Single Use Plastic!

- THE LAST STRAW: the US use 500 million straws a day, enough to fill Yankee Stadium over 9 times in a year! Wet those lips and drink like a proper sexy human!

- NO MORE PLASTIC BOTTLES: More than 8 million tons of plastic are dumped in our oceans every year, more than half are plastic WATER! bottles. Get a classy refillable stainless steel bottle, save money, spare your hormones and stay fresh!

- PACK UP THE BAG: A plastic bag has an average “working life” of 15 minutes. Over the last ten years we have produced more #plastic than during the whole of the last century. Tell your local shop why you don't want one and bring your own hipster totes!

What will you do to preserve your playground? 📷: A #WorldOceansDay collaboration by @swellbound & @iconeo



Chief Storyteller at Swellbound