Steffen Kraft, Iconeo and drawing for change

Steffen Kraft, Iconeo and drawing for change

Getting that #Monday feeling? Join #graphicdesigner @iconeo, aka Steffen Kraft and introduce #play into your day! The #ironboard as a #surfboard, with a twist?

"I love 'visual irritation/brain games. #Drawing the #laundry #wave was the hardest part. I used #Hokusai's Great Wave as a model'. All of Steffen's #artwork has a warm, childlike glow of positivity about it, with enough wit & visual grit to convey important messages. 'Children are masters of imagination. Does it have to be part of growing up to unlearn this talent? Imagination leads to creativity. And we really need creative solutions to today's challenges.'

Steffen regularly picks your brain from the most random angles and untangles the yarn of complex issues like the #environment, #consumerism and #animalrights. 'We live in a world of unreflected consumption. We need to start thinking about unconscious habits, such as using plastic. It is very hard to get attention in a visually overloaded world. With illustrative #art, I can explain a vision or an idea in an abstract way and reach people from all over the world.' And so he does. ✒: @_laurence_b 📷: @iconeo #freesurfspirit

if only ironing were that much fun!

if only ironing were that much fun!

Chief Storyteller at Swellbound