Maria Fernanda, shooting from the line-up

Maria Fernanda, shooting from the line-up

What were the chances a girl from landlocked #MexicoCity #DF would become one of the #surf #waterphotographers to watch?

Maria Fernanda's love of water started early: into competitive #swimming since she was 7, she relished every seaside holiday ('my parents would have to drag me out of the ocean to go have dinner!') After graduating from uni, she discovered photography and later volunteered with @surfingthenations (incidentally currently recruiting for internships!), spending 3 months on #Oahu, where she was introduced to #Pipeline and #bigwavesurfing by veteran #surfphotographer, Peter Sterling.

In a predominantly male #lineup, Maria made an impression with her willingness to observe, learn, train and plan for safety. Undoubtedly her strong swimming made the difference. #waterphotography is slowly opening up to women: 'I feel we have a really supportive community; all the girls that I've met so far have been super nice and friendly and I think it's encouraging to see other girls pushing the limits in the line up, not just taking photos but also surfing.'

Regularly flying over the invisible wall into #Mexico, shooting #bigwaves in #PuertoEscondido, Maria is keen to become a driving force in developing #watersports in her native country: 'I still feel I have so much more to explore. I hope to support my country and encourage others to pursue their passion.' #surfersgiveback #freesurfspirit ✒: @_laurence_b 📷: @mariafernandaphoto

Looking down the barrel

Looking down the barrel

Chief Storyteller at Swellbound