We ❤ honu!

Since 1970, #Earth has lost HALF of its animal population due to #pollution and #overconsumption.

Freshwaters are the worst affected with 75% loss of life. Surfers in #Florida recently reported high numbers of dead fish and manatees by the St Lucie River (itself polluted by the release of toxic waters from a nearby lake), but also the fact their favourite spots had become unsurfable as a result, just when the surf was pumping with El Niño!
Below the surf, 40% of the animal population has disappeared, with #turtle numbers falling 80%. At #swellbound we ❤ #honu. They remind us that the only thing that #surfers should leave in their wake is a beautiful curve on a wave.
#onlytakewhatyoureallyneed #consumeless #surfmore @wwf @c4cw

Curious turtle on the North Shore

Curious turtle on the North Shore

Chief Storyteller at Swellbound