Was surfing born in Peru?

Was surfing born in Peru?

Was #surfing invented in #Hawaii? Maybe not...

Ask any of the local #surfers in #Huanchaco and you might get convinced that it was indeed in #Peru that it all started... and a stroll along the beach will prove the point further: you'll find heaps of these uniquely shaped fishing boats, the so-called caballitos de totora, lined up on the shore, facing consistent waves that invite all levels of surfing. These #totoras have been used by fishermen in Huanchaco for more than 3000 years - surely they had time for figuring out all the pleasures the #waves can give!?

The monument erected in 2013 to award Huanchaco its due title of #WorldSurfingReserve might be another clue. And if you're lucky, you might get to share a wave or two with #Longboard World Champion @PiccoloClemente, or get some special instruction from the #Huamanchumo brothers, some of Peru's best surfers, whose names originates from the pre-#Inca era.... Looking at the long tradition and local talent, it seems to me that Peru's ancestors were indeed some of the world's original and gnarliest surfers...
✒: @uchuva 📷: @hhhpchicho #freesurfspirit

Henry Huamanchumo Polo in traditional wear

Henry Huamanchumo Polo in traditional wear

Watersports lover, originally from Hungary, based in London, sea and swell bound when possible!